
In my daily life on Fanø, situated in the middle of UNESCO's world heritage "Wadden Sea," I am fortunate to closely follow the seasons and subtle changes innature. The distinctive character of Fanø, with its shifting weather and changing days, makes a great impression on all my senses.

The raw, windy days where the sky and sea seem to be one stand in contrast to the mild days filled with peace and quiet.

I have interpreted the sensory impressions in my fiber study. The fiber study has a natural flow, led by play and curiosity. The study culminates in 9 fiber artworks, where I have worked with the inherent nature and differences of the fibers. The stiff, stubborn, hard materials create their own expression in contrast to the soft, shiny, and invisible materials.


In my daily life on Fanø, situated in the middle of UNESCO's world heritage "Wadden Sea," I am fortunate to closely follow the seasons and subtle changes innature. The distinctive character of Fanø, with its shifting weather and changing days, makes a great impression on all my senses.

The raw, windy days where the sky and sea seem to be one stand in contrast to the mild days filled with peace and quiet.

I have interpreted the sensory impressions in my fiber study. The fiber study has a natural flow, led by play and curiosity. The study culminates in 9 fiber artworks, where I have worked with the inherent nature and differences of the fibers. The stiff, stubborn, hard materials create their own expression in contrast to the soft, shiny, and invisible materials.


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